We are in the full swing of our 3rd Annual Holiday Drive and have a lofty goal of collecting 300 gingerbread houses / holiday cookie kits. This year we will once again be supporting Walk With Sally, Maribo Cares, and Miller Children's Hospital with deliveries of family fun. You can help support us by donating a kit and it is so easy. You can use the Target Registry @https://www.target.com/gift-registry/gift/holidaydrive2022, deliver to Rizzo's Pizza in Lomita (and get a free order of breadsticks), or send a monetary donation to our Venmo @EriksWay.
Additionally, if you know a family who would benefit from receiving a delivery of holiday cheer, please complete the Google Form @https://forms.gle/mucVd3n5HStz3vM46.
We could not do any of this without all of the support from each of you throughout the year.
